Friday 31 August 2012

30 Day Countdown

OMG. Like a BIG O.M.G. The summer has just flown by and so has my running schedule - it’s almost flown right out the window!
Today is the 30 day countdown. 30 days from now I will be lacing up my New Balance kicks, filling my Iphone with some fast paced running music and traversing 13.1 miles around my fair city.
13.1 Miles. Which is 21 km. Which is a LONG way. Like a really really long way. I downloaded the course map today, and realized that I don’t like to DRIVE that far of a distance, and I’m signed up to RUN it?? I think I may have been crazy when I decided to sign up for this!
I did my first long-ish run in a while today (10km) and it took me forever!! I’m going to run 14km this weekend and hopefully up my pace a little.
me, crossing the finish line at my first 10km race back in March
At the end of the day I’m not concerned about how long it takes me to finish the race, as long as I actually drag my lifeless body across that finish line.
Wish me luck; I’m going to need it!

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