Monday 9 July 2012

Summer Dinner Menu

Another glorious weekend has come to a close and the promise of another fantastic week ahead of us! We spent the weekend enjoying the weather, having a wonderful party for a good friend’s engagement where we had a delicious dessert of caramel apple trifle (recipe to be posted soon!) and enjoying the kiddie pool in the sunshine all day yesterday. 

Aidyn and Calvin hanging out in our street pool!
It was amazing!
At the engagement party, my friend Natalie made a delicious, tasty Quinoa Salad. I tried it out yesterday, making a big batch for dinner with the neighbours and it was awesome! Even some of the kids (not mine of course!) ate it, and loved it.
This week, work is back to normal, the kids are on a regular schedule of Summer of Fun Chart activities and schoolwork, with a few water park adventures thrown in for good measure. I’m hoping to avoid the oven as much as possible this week, so it looks like a bunch of grilling recipes and summer salads are coming our way.
On The Menu This Week
Monday: Grilled BBQ chicken breast with quinoa salad (recipe to come this week!)
Tuesday: Turkey Calzones (these were on the menu last week, but work got in the way and we had take out instead!!) with spicy yam fries & caesar salad
Wednesday: Chicken Macaroni bake and Rachel Salad
Thursday: Brinner (breakfast for dinner!)
Friday: Dinner on the road – heading out of town for the weekend, maybe Subway?
Saturday: BBQ at the Ranch
Sunday: BBQ with the neighbours when we get home
Hope you enjoyed this menu! Come check out a ton more at Org Junkie’s Menu Plan Monday.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to dive head first into that trifle! YUM! Quinoa salad looks delicious too!
