Monday 2 July 2012

Eating from the Pantry

Oh I so wish the weather in this neck of the woods would make up its mind! There is a heat wave in most of Canada and the USA, but we are here, in the pouring rain, just begging for a hint of sunshine to poke through in the afternoon!  (We got sun this afternoon, that's how this photo came about!)
This week we managed to make it through kindergarten graduation,
The last day of school - Miss A was a little upset that her teacher is moving to a new school in the fall

And Canada Day! The hubs had to work, so the girls and I went to a BBQ at church and then had a picnic in the park.
We have also started to work through the activities in our summer of fun chart!
One of the blogs I follow, Life as Mom is having a Pantry Challenge this month. I think it's a great idea! The basic idea is to plan our family menu around food already in our fridge, freezer and pantry, which shouldn't be a problem! Anyone who knows me, knows that in the event of a nuclear apocalypse, you should come here for food and drinks, we'll be able to feed the neighbourhood!
On the Menu This Week:
Monday: Beef Tacos and roasted red peppers
Tuesday: Turkey Meat Loaf, Perogies and steamed veggies
Wednesday: Baked Ziti and Rachel Salad
Thursday: Turkey Calzones and fries
Friday: Chicken Macaroni Bake and Rachel Salad
Saturday: Dinner out with friends
Sunday: BBQ with the neighbours
If I manage to stick to this menu plan, then literally the only ingredients I will have to buy for the week are bread for toast in the morning and a spring mix salad for the Rachel Salad. Cheap grocery week for me ahead! Woo hoo! I'll be linking this week's menu plan up with Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - a great planning resource! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Great menu plan! I'm doing the Eating From Your Pantry challenge too. I didn't realize how much food I had in my freezers until I set out to inventory it!
