Monday 18 June 2012

A Week of Eating From the Freezer

This past weekend was SO much fun; I didn’t want it to end! My girls went “camping” down in the states with my parents. Although the weather was the pits, the girls managed to go swimming a bunch of times and did a little shopping!
The hubs and I spent Saturday treating ourselves to an anniversary weekend of excess! After a Father’s Day brunch with my in-laws, we headed downtown for a romantic getaway. The hubs booked us into a fancy hotel and had them deliver sparkling wine and chocolate covered strawberries to our room!
The hubs and I at the end of the Bryan Adams concert - it was HOT in there!
After a delicious dinner at the hotel’s restaurant, we took a romantic stroll to the venue for the Bryan Adams concert (it got less and less romantic and more and more rushed as the rain started to fall on my flat, straight hair!).
As always Bryan Adams rocked the house, and my voice was hoarse from singing along at the top of my lungs – I’m sure the people sitting around me LOVED that!
With school winding down (only 1 ½ weeks left!) it’s almost time to give out Miss A’s teacher presents!
We have a family event filled weekend this weekend, and the week ahead is looking crazy-busy too. Good thing there is a freezer STILL full of pre-made dinners for us!

On the Menu

Monday – Meatballs and perogiesTuesdayChicken macaroni bake
Turkey meat loaf, potatoes and veggiesThursday  – Shake n bake fish n chipsFriday – BRINNER - Pancakes for the kiddos, eggs, bacon and hashbrowns for us!
Saturday – Turkey burgers, potatoes and roasted peppers on the BBQ!Sunday – Dinner out with the kiddos

I'll be linking up to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - check it out!

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