Monday 25 June 2012

Cupcakes for Dinner?

In the last week I think I baked about 300 cupcakes. Seriously, it was all I did with my spare time. They turned out awesome though!

Can you guess what the ingredients above became? 

Dr Pepper cupcakes! Recipes to come later this week. They were delish!
Next up a 100 cupcake and various baked delights dessert buffet. So much sugar this week!
Amid all the baking craziness was Miss A's sports day at school - she had a blast on Team Yellow, and her little sister got in on the action, playing the games with the big kids.

We managed to stick to the menu plan pretty closely last week, only one day we went off the plan, and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I was really not in the mood to cook anything, so the girls and I decided to take all of the leftover packages from the freezer and have a frozen buffet dinner! 
We ended up with some chicken nuggets, some taquitos, some hot dogs, some smiley fries. It emptied out some of the freezer and we had a yummy meal.
Our goal this week is to continue the trend of eating from the freezer. We still have a whole whack of freezer meals to go through, and I want to finish them off before starting another batch. Next time up we're going to try some new recipes that will allow for healthy meal contents for summer salads and bbq's.

On The Menu This Week
Monday - Turkey Meatloaf, potatoes and vegetables

Tuesday - Beef Enchilada Bake, cheese quesadillas for the kids
Wednesday - Turkey Teriyaki stirfry
Thursday - Last day of school! Miss A will get to choose dinner tonight!
Friday - Dinner at the Pub with friends
Saturday - BBQ with Family
Sunday - Canada Day! BBQ lunch at church, Cobb salad for dinner

I will be linking up to Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday - hundreds of recipes and meal ideas, go check it out!


  1. Awesome blog! I love all the great tips and ideas. I'm your newest follower.

  2. I'm stopping by from Organizing Junkie's MPM.
    Cupcakes for dinner sounds good to me.
    Looks like you're in store for some wonderful good eats.
