Tuesday 1 May 2012

Turkey Meatloaf Freezer Meal

As promised, here is the delicious and easy meat loaf recipe that I used to make a whole bunch of meat loaves last month on my freezer cooking adventure!
A few years back a friend from work put together a family cookbook for her family reunion (thanks Judy!!). She had some extra copies and let me have one of them - and I have made a few really fantastic dishes out of the cookbook!
I made a couple of changes to the original recipe (adding turkey to the mix) and tripled the recipe in order to make a whole bunch of meals. This recipe made five meat loaves and eight mini meat loaves.

Best Ever Beef and Turkey Loaf
6 Eggs
2 cups milk
1 tbsp salt
3/4 tsp pepper
9 slices of fresh bread, crumbled (or use two boxes of stove top stuffing mix!)
3 onions, finely chopped
1 1/2 cups grated carrots
3 cups grated cheddar cheese
2 lbs lean ground turkey
2 1/2 lbs extra lean ground beef
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup ketchup
1/2 cup bbq sauce
1 tbsp prepared mustard
Break eggs into a large mixing bowl and beat lightly with a fork. Add milk, salt and pepper and the crumbled bread (or stove top). Beat until the bread disintegrates. Add onion, carrot, cheese, beef and turkey. Mix well. 
Pack into a whole bunch of loaf pans (I used aluminium pans from the dollar store).
Combine brown sugar, ketchup, bbq sauce and mustard. Spread over loaf.
Bake in 350 degree oven for one hour. Let stand ten minutes, slice and serve.


  1. You're welcome!! You made me want to go back and go through the book again.

  2. I just made this recipe and it is AWESOME!! I wouldn't mind eating it every day, that's how good it is! I have 4 more packed in my deep freezer and I can't wait to break them out and eat them! Thank you so much for sharing!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops--nevermind. NOW I see the sauce mentioned. Thanks for the fun recipe, I'm trying this out tonite!
