Monday 28 May 2012

A Peek at the Week!

Triple Chocolate Cake I made for my dad's birthday dinner this weekend...mmmmm
Well am I glad last week is OVER! After a pretty good week, Friday came along and knocked our house over with a wicked stomach virus! The hubs and I were home sick from work Friday and were still pretty shaky on Saturday.
I have been menu planning now for about five months, and have found it to be a great way to plan out the week for our little family. When I know what the activities are for the week, I can plan what meals we should make. On days where I have to drive to five different places in the afternoon, it’s pretty much a guarantee that we are having a quick-to-prepare easy meal that night!
Now that I am training for the Surrey Half Marathon in the fall, I downloaded a run training schedule that outlines how much and how often I need to run each week in order to prepare for the event. Between the three to four runs per week and the two times I plan to go to Boot Camp, and the kids with their scheduled activities, and the menu plan and the blog writing, I needed a place to plan out our week in its entirety.
Last week I took a turn around the internet, and stopped at my all-time-favourite organizing site, IHeartOrganizing and found how Jen organizes her family. I LOVE how Jen always make all of her labels and printables and things super bright and colourful!
I didn’t use a lot of color in my own version of the peek at the week, but since I don’t want to use up the tiny bit of color I had left in my printer, mine is just in black and white. I mount it on the fridge with a hot pink background for some extra pop!
I played around with a few different styles before I found one that worked for me, and here’s the result:
A row each for the weekly menu items, exercise schedule, family activities and planned blog posts for the week.
As you can see, this week is as busy as ever! For dinner this week we’ll be having:
Monday: Turkey Meatloaf, mashed potatoes and veggies (the last one in our freezer from my last freezer cook!)
Tuesday: Sticky Crockpot Chicken, Salad and fries for the kiddos - This is a new recipe for us, so if it's a hit, I'll post the recipe for you guys!
Wednesday: Teriyaki Chicken Stir-fry
Thursday: Beef Tacos and Cheese Quesadillas for the kids
Friday: Macaroni and Cheese from scratch – I don’t have a recipe for this yet, so if you have one, pass it on!
Saturday: BBQ at the Ranch! My dad will be cooking!
Sunday: Chicken burgers and roasted peppers on the BBQ
Hope you enjoyed our menu for the week! My brother told me yesterday he’s going to check out the menu and stop by when he sees one of his favourites on the menu that night!
I’ll be linking up to OrgJunkie’s Menu Plan Monday, an awesome source for menu ideas and recipes. You should check it out!

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