Monday 21 May 2012

Comfort Food is on the Menu This Week!

With the weather outside dark and dreary, and apparently going to remain this way all week, it looks like a week of comfort foods lie ahead in our menu plan this week!
After a weekend that started off with fantastic weather, sun shining, swimming with the kiddos and our first BBQ of the season, and a day yesterday full of purging, organizing, cleaning and staging (more on this later!) today it seems like a day for tea and a good book. The girls are having a playdate and playing board games and dressup all afternoon today.
One recipe that I made for the first time this week was a fresh pineapple salsa. It was so delicious! We had it with Lime-flavored chips when we sat out with the neighbours on Saturday night. It was so fresh and yummy! I'm going to bring the rest of the salsa (the recipe made a TON) to a potluck lunch at my work.
I'll also be making some interesting new cupcakes on my Quest for the Perfect Cupcake for the potluck, more on that later in the week!
This week, our menu will be....
Monday: Out to Eat! Dinner at the Neighbours
Tuesday: Comfort Food! Mashed Potatoes, Beans, Stuffing and Turkey Meatloaf
Wednesday: Lasagne Wednesday!
Thursday: Fish with Pineapple Salsa, Rice and mixed veggies
Friday: Ladies Night - appies and wine for dinner for me!
Saturday: Painting Day at our house - dinner will be nice and easy - BBQ burgers and corn on the cob!
Sunday: Family dinner for my Dad's Birthday!
What are you having for dinner this week? I'll be linking up to OrgJunkie's Menu Plan Monday, come check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pool photo. Sounds like a great menu for the week too. Hugs
