Sunday 18 March 2012

Working Mama's Dinner Plans

Our little family on St Patrick's Day!
Well, today is the last day of my vacation.  Since the hubs took next week off from work to stay home with the kids for part of spring break, I told my work I was available all five days this week.  Definitely second guessing that decision today!
Since the plan is for the hubs to do fun exciting daddy-daughter stuff during the day, I am going to try to make dinner be as easy as possible (since cooking is not one of the hubs main talents...). 

Going through the newly organized fridge, freezer and pantry, and checking my fridge and freezer for ingredients, it looks like it's going to be a pretty simple grocery list this week.  The only thing I need to buy is salad and potatoes!  All of the other ingredients I either have on hand, or are cooked into my pre-made frozen meals already!
At the end of this week I will be taking part in my first 10KM Run in about 10 years!! I am a little nervous, but I'm hopeful that I will cross the finish line in one piece!!

On the menu this week:

Monday - Teriyaki Chicken Stirfry with chow mein noodls
Tuesday - Lasagne, Caesar Salad and Garlic Breadsticks

Wednesday - Beef Enchilada Bake (recipe will be posted this week!)
Thursday - Baked Ziti
Friday - Leftovers
Saturday - 10 km Run Day & Birthday dinner with the Family
Sunday - Roasted Turkey, Potatoes and Vegetables

Check out Org Junkie's Menu Plan Monday to get hundreds of recipes and meal ideas every week!

What's on your menu this week?


  1. Your Menu looks good and simple, good luck on your first 10k. I should get back into running it has been a long time.

  2. Your menu looks great. I know, keep it simple when the hubby needs to pitch in! I'm totally with you on that one!

  3. Yum, yum, yum -- I'm definitely taking a peek at the stir fry recipe :).

  4. looks like a yummy week.
    im checking out the stir fry recipe as well
    good luck on your 10k!
    Here is a link to my Menu Plan
    I finally got a chance to sit down and do some browsing and look for some new ideas/recipes
    I'd love if you stopped by my page
    Enjoy your weekend:)
