Friday 30 March 2012

Weekend Challenge: Purge 100 Items

When walking through my house this morning, I came across a whole bunch of items that need to make their way OUT of our house. A couple of clothing items that are too small for the girls, a couple of books that need a new home. And I know that the kitchen cabinets contain some items that need to find a new home!

So, even though the hubs and the kids don't know it yet, they will be helping me with this weekend's household challenge:
To purge our home of 100 items!
I'm sure that it will not take long to find 100 things that could find better homes outside our house!

Normally, I have a Donation Station setup somewhere in the house - usually in a closet, or corner of the computer room, somewhere out of the way, but still in plain sight, so I don't forget to add items to the box, and to take it to the VV Boutique when the box is full.

I guess the last time I sent the donations on their merry way out my front door I neglected to create a new Donation Station, so that's the first item on the to-do list for tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll set out to fill the box. I'll start with the stack of tshirts on the ledge outside Aidyn's room.

Then I'll head to the ottoman in our room and see what can go from there...

Are you up for a challenge? Grab a box and fill it up with items that are cluttering up your house and your life!


  1. oh awesome!! i'll be joining you on the challenge!! i have lots to get rid of but dont have any boxes to fill..

    1. Hit up your local McDonalds! They always have boxes from their deliveries!

  2. posted this on my facebook page:
