Monday 6 February 2012

Menu Plan Monday

For the past few months I’ve been trying out weekly and monthly menu planning.  I have noticed that if I don’t have a plan in place for dinner, we end up with chicken strips and fries, or a frozen pizza.  Not that there is anything wrong with chicken strips and fries, but the thought of having them for dinner every other night is definitely not appealing to me! 

I have the added problem of a child who doesn’t eat the same dinner as the rest of the family. Aidyn’s menu is extremely limited (and not because of food allergies, just because she won’t eat regular people food... that’s a post for another day!).  So, I end up making dinner for the girls around 5:30pm, then once they are fed and getting ready for bed, I eat.  Then when Brett gets home, he gets dinner at 10:30pm.  Yup, you heard that right, I make three dinners a night. 

That’s where the menu planning comes in handy. If I am working, Brett or I can take out the dinner ingredients from the freezer so they are ready to go when I get home.  In January, I spent a couple of days making big batches of meals to freeze so that we are able to heat and serve them this month.  Using some of the meals stockpiled in the freezer, I have worked out the dinner menu for the entire month of February!

I don’t plan out breakfast and lunch.  The kiddos usually have either toast with Nutella, cereal or Yummy Mummy Oatmeal.  Lunches are sandwiches, yogurt tubes and snacks for the kids, and the hubs and I eat at work.   

For dinner this week we will have:
Monday: Chicken Spaghetti and garlic breadsticks
Tuesday: Beef enchiladas and salad

Wednesday: Lasagne and garlic bread
Thursday: Pulled pork sandwiches, fries and a salad

Friday: Baked Ziti
Saturday: Burgers and Fries

Sunday: Cod with rice and steamed veggies

I will be linking up to’s Menu Plan Monday, if I can figure out how....
Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Cod is our family favorite fish!
    Have a yummy and wonderful week!

  2. Looks like a very yummy week...
    Have a great week!
