Friday 10 February 2012

The "Before"

First of all, let me start off by saying that I cannot believe I am actually posting these photos on the internet, for the world to see.  I guess it’s my true motivation to see this project through. has this crazy 29 Day Organizational Challenge happening right now. Today is the Progress Update Day.  As you can see by the photos, I have not made much (or should I say ANY progress).  I took these photos last night; pardon the late night, poor lighting and photos from an Iphone – oh and the mess... pardon the mess.

I have a couple of hours on Saturday morning that I can work on the project.  Hopefully I’ll be able to at least draw out a plan of action.
Our townhouse was built with a really large “4th” bedroom.  It’s got a regular closet that had bi-fold double doors, but it also has this other massive closet (maybe 8’ x 8’?) tucked away in the corner.  When I first started decluttering our house, I actually did a really good job of organizing the space.  But that was two summers ago, and life happens, and now my nicely organized craft and board game and book storage area is now a catchall for everything that needs a place to live. 

Our massive dvd collection used to live in our living room, but we moved them up to this space to open up the living room.  They fit perfectly in here, but there is just too much other stuff in here to even access the dvds!  We also got the Rock Band game for our playstation just before Christmas, AND I got a new Cricut as a Christmas gift from the hubs.  All of these things need to find a home.

Wish me luck in my quest to clear out the craft room – I think I’ll have a couple of pieces of furniture finding new homes in the next two weeks!


  1. My craft room has been a "catch all" too! Everything that didn't have a home ended up in here. It's hard when you have to figure out what should really belong. Good luck!

  2. Best of luck on this project. Its great that you have so much space to work with, but the trouble comes in defining the purpose of the space. Looking forward to your next update to see the progress! :-)

  3. Congrats on the first step! e're all rooting for you.
